Road traffic in the parish
Some of the major problems faced by residents are caused by traffic. These are related to the speed of vehicles, the volume of traffic and the persistent infringements of the weight restrictions.
The A60 is a major trunk road which carries a large volume of traffic, and has a 50mph limit.
The roads in the village are relatively quieter. All four ‘legs’ of the crossroads are ‘B’ class roads leading to many conflicting traffic movements because the east-west traffic (B6011) almost balances the north-south flow (B683). Even so, each day more than 10,000 vehicles pass along B6011 (NCC survey 2016). The ever increasing volume of traffic, particularly at the crossroads in the village is a major concern for residents. Three of the entrances to the village have interactive road signs that register the speed of passing vehicles. Moor Road in particular is a hot-spot for speeding.
The crossroads is an HGV exclusion zone, with a weight limit of 7.5tonnes. Nevertheless, several HGVs use the crossroads each day. Some of these are entitled to be there, because they are making calls within the restricted zone. You are urged to report the registration number, date/time and location of any siting to NCC trading standards through their website. Only collecting data about the scale of the problem will encourage the County Council to act to monitor and enforce the weight restriction.