Documents Archive

A list of the full range of information available for public viewing, and the arrangements for its release are detailed in the publication scheme. (See below)

Details about minutes and newsletters are listed elsewhere in the Parish Website.

The following documents (in .pdf format) can be downloaded directly, through the website.

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited AGAR 23/24

Last updated: 05/2024

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Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024

Last updated: 05/2024

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Accounting Statements 2023/2024

Last updated: 05/2024

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Supporting Document re: assertion 4

Last updated: 05/2024

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Internal Audit Report 2023/24

Last updated: 05/2024

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Explanation of Variances

Last updated: 05/2024

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Bank Reconciliation 2023/2024

Last updated: 05/2024

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Fixed Asset Register 2023 - 2024

Last updated: 05/2024

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Council Financial Regulations

Last updated: 07/2024

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Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Last updated: 11/2023

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AGAR Section 3 - External Auditor Report & Certificate

Last updated: 11/2023

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Final External Auditor Report

Last updated: 11/2023

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Notice of the Audit & Right to inspect the AGAR

Last updated: 09/2023

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External Auditor Report (Interim)

Last updated: 09/2023

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Accounting Statements 2022/23

Last updated: 09/2023

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Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

Last updated: 09/2023

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Internal Auditors Report 2022/23

Last updated: 09/2023

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Bank Reconciliation 2022/23

Last updated: 09/2023

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Explanation of Variances

Last updated: 09/2023

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Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2022/2023

Last updated: 09/2023

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Council Financial Risk Management Policy

Last updated: 01/2023

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Council Financial Reserves Policy

Last updated: 05/2020

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Asset Register 2022 / 2023

Last updated: 01/2023

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Public Notice 2021/2022

Last updated: 06/2022

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Exemption Certificate 2021/2022

Last updated: 05/2022

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Internal Audit Report 2021/2022

Last updated: 05/2022

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Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022

Last updated: 05/2022

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Accounting Statements 2021/2022

Last updated: 05/2022

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Bank Reconciliation 2021/2022

Last updated: 05/2022

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Asset Register 2021/2022

Last updated: 01/2023

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Explanation of Variances 2021/2022

Last updated: 05/2022

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Financial report - Certificate of Exemption 2020-2021

Last updated: 05/2021

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Financial report - Annual Governance Statement 2020-2021

Last updated: 05/2021

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Financial report - Accounting Statements 2020-2021

Last updated: 05/2021

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Financial report - Explanation of Variances 2020-2021

Last updated: 05/2021

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Financial report - Internal Audit Report 2020-2021

Last updated: 05/2021

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Asset Register 2020/2021

Last updated: 01/2023

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Financial report - Bank Reconciliation 2020-2021

Last updated: 05/2021

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Financial Notice - making provision for the exercise of public rights 2020-2021

Last updated: 06/2021

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Financial report - Previous accounting statement (2019-2020)

Last updated: 06/2020

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Financial report - Previous annual governance statement (2019-2020)

Last updated: 06/2020

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Financial report - Previous analysis of variance (2019-2020)

Last updated: 06/2020

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Financial report - Previous bank reconciliation (2019-2020)

Last updated: 06/2020

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Financial report - Previous internal audit report (2019-2020)

Last updated: 06/2020

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Financial report - Audit matters previously arising (2019-2020)

Last updated: 06/2020

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Financial report - Papplewick Parish Council, Certificate of Exemption for 2019-2020

Last updated: 06/2020

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Asset Register 2019/2020

Last updated: 01/2023

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Annual Governance Statement 2018/2019

Last updated: 01/2023

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Accounting Statements 2018/2019

Last updated: 01/2023

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Certificate of Exemption 2018/2019

Last updated: 01/2023

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Public rights notice 2018/2019

Last updated: 01/2023

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Internal Audit Report 2018/2019

Last updated: 01/2023

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Explanation of variances 2018/2019

Last updated: 01/2023

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Public Rights Notice 2017/2018

Last updated: 01/2023

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Explanation of variances 2017/2018

Last updated: 01/2023

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AGAR 2017/2018

Last updated: 01/2023

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External Audit Certificate 2017/2018

Last updated: 01/2023

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Last updated:

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Council Standing Orders

Last updated: 05/2020

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Council Code of Conduct - adopted at PC meeting on 13/3/24

Last updated: 03/2024

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Council Health and Safety policy

Last updated: 07/2019

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Council Risk Assessment, relating to litter picking

Last updated: 09/2019

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Complaints Procedure

Last updated: 02/2023

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Safeguarding Children and Young People - policy

Last updated: 09/2016

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Parish walking and cycle strategy (2017-2028)

Last updated: 11/2017

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Publication scheme - Freedom of information

Last updated: 01/2018

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GDPR Privacy Notice

Last updated: 05/2018

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GDPR Data Protection Policy

Last updated: 05/2018

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GDPR Data Breach Policy

Last updated: 05/2018

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GDPR Records Retention Policy

Last updated: 05/2018

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GDPR Access Request Procedure

Last updated: 05/2018

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The Papplewick Neighbourhood Plan (2018-28)

Last updated: 07/2018

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Constitution of the Friends of Moor Pond Woods

Last updated: 09/2018

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Report on the skateboard project

Last updated: 07/2007

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© Papplewick Parish Council 2020
Website by Vitty