Papplewick Parish Council represents the residents of Papplewick. There are seven elected members. The next election is due to take place in 2023.
The Council meets on the second Wednesday of every other month (January – March – May – July – September – November). Meetings are held in the Bradbury Suite at the Village Hall [but were held online from May 2020 until May 2021). The agenda for each meeting is published in advance in the ‘Community Events‘ section of this website and on the notice boards. Full Council meetings start at 7:15pm with an ‘open forum’ section at which the public are encouraged to raise and discuss issues. The Clerk is a part-time employee of the Council, and provides the point of contact for the public.
The Council own and maintain the Queen Elizabeth II playing field (behind the Village Hall) and the lane linking Main Street and St James’ Church (Church Lane).
The present members of the Council are shown below. You may click on the images to see statements of ‘declaration of interest’ submitted by the Councillors.
The Council maintains five notice boards in the parish where residents and visitors can see up-to-date information.
Contact the Clerk for further information.
In 1951 land was purchased behind the Village Hall on Linby Lane, with the purpose of creating a recreation ground. It was managed by a small group of trustees on behalf of the community, and they raised funds to provide a few small pieces of play equipment for children.
In 1972 Papplewick Parish Council accepted ownership of the land, and has maintained the playing field ever since. In recent years, grants have been awarded to install improved equipment for toddlers and for older children. More recently, pieces of adult gym equipment were installed.
In 2007 a skateboard park was added to the play equipment, paid for by fund-raising in the community and a grant from WREN.
In 2012 the Parish Council agreed to rename the field in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee, and it was dedicated to ‘Fields in Trust’ as the Queen Elizabeth II playing field.
In 2019 the war memorial from the nearby Papplewick Methodist Chapel was moved to the playing field and consecrated.
The council has created this website to provide better access to information. The council also issues a periodic newsletter, which is delivered free of charge to all residents.
On 13th September 2018 the Council adopted a Neighbourhood Plan following a period of consultation. This guides planning decisions (2018-2028) and forms the basis for the Council's Action Plan.
The Parish Council document archive includes links to copies of our community newsletter, the minutes of all council meetings and other relevant council documents (including statements of policy and procedure and financial statements).
Containing copies of all the Council newsletters, from 1999 to the present time.
This section has links to council minutes (Full Council, Finance sub committee and HR sub-committee) from 2001 to the present time.
This section has links to a range of Council documents including the Neighbourhood Plan, policies, procedure and financial statements.